Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 33
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Your Dream Psychic: Part 1
Written By MassacRex3

Have you ever had a dream that you just cannot explain? Or even perhaps the same dream that is just endlessly reoccurring for you? Dreams can tell amazing stories about who you are. They can also just be the effect of a late night horror movie you watched or even a great book!

I am taking dreams and dissecting them piece by piece to help explain the most... outrageous of your dreams! Hopefully I can tell you how to stop some of those nightmares or explain why things happen as they do. Some dreams literally just cannot be explained. Some are completely random, but why not give it a shot? I'll be taking some of your detailed dreams and explaining them in the chronicles. Please mail me them and each month you'll get to read my analysis!

Step up to Madam Rex and let her tell all!

Sent in by Optichi:

"I was in an underground labyrinth with two acquaintances. We had snuck down there through a passage beneath my house. Apparently, the labyrinth was created by a group of malicious scientists whom were conducting unauthorized experiments. There was a creature down there that they had created. It was shaped much like a wiry rabbit balancing precariously on two legs and reached about 11 feet in height. The air around it was heavy and suffocating. It was made of a material much like potato sacks are composed of. It had no definite features and held erratic, jerky movements. It was silent save for the soft rustling sounds from when its fabric scraped against the floor. The creature was horrific and had slaughtered most of the scientists. At this point I believe that the three of us were trying to find a way out. Somehow my two companions and I had become separated. It was difficult to see down there for the dim light. Many of the passage walls were adorned with glossy posters depicting the plans and observations of the experiments. In one of the corridors I came across a mutated bulldog that belonged to one of the dead scientists. It had an unpleasant, pungent smell and was bleeding profusely from its paper-thin flesh. I knew for some reason that I should not allow the blood to touch me, though I do not remember what would have happened if it had. I don't remember what happened after that either, but I eventually found the exit and called to my partners who revealed themselves to be standing right behind me. We escaped through a mesh of rotting, wooden boards (my oversized backpack snagged and almost prevented my progress) into a field of overgrown sunflowers and green chirping ponds. Yes, chirping. I do not know what became of the rabbit-like monster, but I'm pretty sure it tore up the remaining scientists. When I looked to my (our) house, I saw the baby doll in the kitchen window that rose every morning to greet the sun. The purpose was to prevent our neighbors from finding out that we were aliens."

My response:

The labyrinth itself can symbolize two things; either your desire to get to the center of a problem, or the opposite, you feel trapped and can't get out of a certain situation. Being with only acquaintances and not friends could mean you are in the process of meeting new people and trying to get to know them.

A rabit usually signifies good luck. However, since this rabit.. isn't nice... it means that you jump around on a lot of things in your life. Maybe you don't stick to following things or staying comitted to doing them.

To witness a murder (in this case the rabit on the scientists) means that you may have deep anger towards someone in your life. The scientists themselves were also malicious, which could mean that there's a part of you that you're scared to discover or part of you that you know may not be thinking in the best way for yourself.

To dream of witnessing others bleed is an emotional cry for help...

The field of success that you escaped to could represent the rewards for overcoming your obstacles that you may be facing and proof to show you that good will come in to your life. The sun rising also supports this, proving that a good day will come to you.

To dream that you are an alien means that you have parts of you that are undiscovered. This could also mean that you may be putting on an "act" to be someone who you truly aren't and running away from who you really are.

Wow, this was a crazy dream! Haha. (: This will take thinking for me to take a realistic guess...

- You feel lost in part of yourself. You may have lost trust or may not like who you really are. You may be meeting new people, but it's hard, because you aren't being real with them. You're putting off acts to hide something deep in yourself because you're scared of being rejected. You may have anger towards yourself. But, you know inside of you that if you have people who accept you for who you truly are, then things will have a positive side to them.

Sent in by black_shadow:

"My dreams often seem to follow a consistent storyline, and have been that way since I was 15. In the beginning I was where I lived, except everything was on fire and in chaos. There was an ark that I was gathering people onto, and once the ark was full it and I flew off to a new city in the sky. Unfortunately some people were left in the ruins, people that I recalled I promised to put on the ark, but couldn't because I had assumed they were on before everyone else, and by the time I found them again the ark was full.

Since then the story has moved on. In the dreams I have now I'm often walking through the new city, talking to people or moving through a half-destroyed part of the city where there are a lot of tall buildings by the ocean. This is always the area I visit whenever something crops up in my life, simply because there's someone there that I like to visit. He/she doesn't talk, but I recognize them from the red hoodie they wear.

To me, this person signifies something important because whenever I destroy something in my dreams, he/she remakes it in a different way, and whenever I create something, they destroy it. I don't have a name for this person, but they never talk.

The only other thing I can remember beyond that is that there's an area in my dreamworld where I don't dare to tread - it looks like a port area, where ships dock, but its covered in mist and absolutely silent. Whenever I show up here I always try to leave as quickly as possible, and I wake up in a cold sweat feeling like something is watching/following me. It's always scared me, no matter how much I tell myself its just a dream.

Any ideas what it means?"

My response:

Your past dream...

Fire can represent many things. It can be passion, desire, hate, or any strong feeling. We can only distinguish the true meaning by putting together the rest of your dream..

Having an ark in your dream can possibly mean something that you hold value to that you want to preserve, or rebirth of something in your life. To find out that the ark was full and you broke your promise, that part can represent that you may have concerns about how well you can keep your word to people in real life.

Your current dream...

Since both involve a past and new city, this can symbolize a past and new event/life that you have experienced in yourself. You re-visit the other city to show you do not forget your past, but you have to move on with your future.

Now, you speak of seeing someone in a red hoodie. This is actually a strong symbol. Red in dreams means something of strong feeling. Maybe you're missing someone in your life who you have had strong feelings for (not just love, could be hate, or curiosity or passion) that you can't seem to find or reconnect with as hard as you try.

I am surprised about the shipping dock though... Usually that is a sign that you have prevailed through something in your life. The mist and silence could signify that this is something in your life that you have not prevailed through and something or someone is holding you back to do this and you are trying to run away from it because of the challenges involved.

This is a very intricate dream. From looking at it, I'll give you my best clue to add up everything.

- There may be someone in your life who you have broken trust with. Possibly someone from your past or recently. You may not think it's bothering you, but it really is. You try to find that person in reality or just in your heart to get over, but you can't. You can't find it in yourself to do it because of perhaps an obsticle involved. You had strong feelings for this person at one point. And now, you feel disconnected from it and trying to push it out of your mind. Again as I have said, maybe it doesn't seem to be bother you that much, but it is.

Sent in by Rose:

"Basically, I'm standing with a bunch of my friends at night in a field with lots of trees. This guy that I used to like ... about 2 years ago... he shows up with his friends and they immediately decide to come over and scare me (two of his friends can, for some reason, turn invisible like ghosts), but the thing is, I can hear them whispering about scaring me, so I just roll my eyes at my friends and go "They know I can hear them right?" but I guess they didn't because they came and scared me anyhow (and I pretended to be surprised for their benefit) and then they ran away in the other direction to go to a talent show (? this dream is really random in my opinion haha). So I follow with one of my friends... or two. We get into the talent show but then my old Chinese teacher shows up and she's like you guys can't come here unless you show me your identification cards and I can confirm that you two are old enough or something like that and then you have to pay me and I was like well I can pay you but I don't have my ID with me right now and she goes well then you can't watch the talent show and I go but you know who I am, you know how old I am! But she still goes no you can't stay. So, just as the show is starting (on the stage, there are flickering lights, kinda like stars twinkling in the background as the curtains pull open), me and my friend leave to sit in the lobby. I look back as we exit the room in which the talent show is held and the place is packed. We head to the lobby. In the lobby, there are many tables. There is one table already filled with a bunch of people so me and my friend go to find another table to sit at. We end up sitting at a table with sushi on it and then later, some people show up and it seems like the sushi was meant for them, but they just sit at the table next to us and eat something else, but they keep looking over at us. Finally, this guy comes over and sits with us and tells us about something and me and my friend are just like okay..."

My response:

A field represents freedom. However, there are lots of trees in yours. This could take the opposite affect and show that you feel oppressed or restrained in some way.

Meeting up with an old crush who mocks you means you still haven't gotten completely over this person, even if you feel like you have. Emotionally, you still want a connection with him. This is why people often have nightmares after a breakup with someone. He/she have nightmares or dreams about past lovers and it haunts them to a point.

It seems to me that there are many people in your life that you miss from your past. Even though your old Chinese teacher may not have been an important person, she could symbolize others in your life that you have recently or over time have missed and want to reconnect back with them in a way.

Again, like the trees in a field, you are denied entry. Again, I'm taking that you feel held back from something in your life. This supports that completely.

To dream you are in a lobby indicates you want to make yourself or someone else know something. You want to express it as much as you can.

Sushi can mean you're trying to find a spirtual form, or you have raw feelings that you have yet to deal with over something.

Haha, this is a tough one, A! Let me try to do my best. This is a bit broad of a dream though. I can't bring it down close enough like the others.

- You feel like you're holding something back, however, you want people to know what it is. You're missing people in your life that you may not feel like are bothering you, but they are. If you want to take care of these dreams, I'd suggest trying to go out of your way to fix connections i your past!


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