Unyielding - Conservative - Nurturing
Pet Name: Arcadia
Owner: Kauri
Theme / Type: Overgrowth Yehxil
Gender: Female
MisticPal Name: Haven
MisticPal Age: 4960 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 12
Hit Points: 12 / 12
Strength: 12
Defense: 12
Speed: 13
Intellect: 5
Misticpower: 12
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
tower likes to fall and cream likes to spoil
everything living tries to get back to the soil
and what seems right and what's made for you
false prophecy doesn't mean prophecies are true
the ground is so proud just to hold us up
[the long winters - clouds]
You take from the land to build - homes, towns, cities, countries - sprouting up from the earth like unnatural forests, towering geometric trees, springing up like just so many weeds amongst the flowers.
You move on, you leave - houses left abandoned, silent and hollow ghost towns, unused buildings left to disrepair and decay and destiny.
Made of and hewn from the soil, the stone, the wood - to this they return. Ivy creeps up the walls, trees spread their branches through unkempt windows, roofs collapse and open the inside up to the skies and the rains.
Homes grow wild, schools grow dangerous, hospitals grow savage -- none are too noble to turn feral.
So, nature reclaims.