Pet Information
Pet Name: Chaotica_Manu
Owner: catilena1890
Theme / Type: Northern Draklaita
Born: December 27, 2010
Gender: Female
Mood: Mad

MisticPal Name: Blitz
MisticPal Age: 5187 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 3
Hit Points: 3 / 3
Strength: 5
Defense: 2
Speed: 2
Intellect: 3
Misticpower: 6
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
28/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Albino Pommekin
2. - Anya Pomme
3. - Cactus Drink
4. - Cheran Pomme
5. - Desert Pomme
6. - Dried Up Cactus Drink
7. - Dried Up Cactus Drink
8. - Dried Up Cactus Drink
9. - Gurahdi Pomme
10. - Haruba Pomme
11. - Mandoran Gem Pie
12. - Mini Snowman Snack
13. - Northern Pomme
14. - Orange Candy Cane
15. - Plague Pomme
16. - Plushie Pomme
17. - Pomme Pilot
18. - Pomme Pomme
19. - Pomme Tree Nest
20. - Pommekin
21. - Quari Ear Cookie
22. - Scorpion on a Stick
23. - Skillow Pomme
24. - Toxic Pomme
25. - Twisted Candy Cane Lolly
26. - Whipped Winter Cake Slice
27. - Whipped Winter Cake Slice
28. - Zisscor Pomme
Pet Profile
Chaotica: My brother and I happily belong to Catilena1890.
Manu: If something or someone forces me and my sister away from Catilena1890, please lead us back to her.
This Draklaita is a mystery to all, for both heads have their own gender and personality.
Chaotica is the left head, and sports a feminine voice and tendencies. She has a big heart and a friendly disposition, and will hesitate to harm anyone unless they threaten her, her brother or her family. She is more assertive than her brother and Chaotica's favorite foods are mainly vegetables prepared in flavorful sauces.
Manu, on the other hand, is the right head. His voice is clearly male as are his habits. He is very reclusive and rarely does anything out of the ordinary, preferring to let his sister take the lead. His favorite foods consist of different kinds smoked meat.
Chaotica and Manu are quite the pair. They never can seem to agree on anything, but this is far from the truth. They both have a lot in common other than just sharing a body, and they know it. They both love each other very much, they care for their family more than anything and anyone who messes with them unleashes the fury of not one, but both heads.
Occasionally, the two heads will take turns controlling the body, so should you ever visit their den more than once, you might find that the gender of the creature is different than when you last saw them. Nevertheless, this Draklaita is very pleasant to be around (provided you watch their argument, instead of trying to stop it. You are more likely to get a hug from Boreal than you are to make these two be nice against their will).
Pet Collections
Collection Limit: 4
This pet has no collections.