Pet Name: Elaia
Owner: Nikarona
Theme / Type: Zodiac Stignightus
Born: December 17, 2008
Gender: Female
Mood: Mad
Disease(s): Heart Sick, Bites: 33
Love Sick, Bites: 53
MisticPal Name: Mio
MisticPal Age: 5805 Days
Level: 6
Hit Points: 6 / 6
Strength: 6
Defense: 5
Speed: 6
Intellect: 8
Misticpower: 8
Books Read
Books Read:
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
10/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Caramel Pomme
2. - Chocolate Pomme
3. - Coconut Pomme
4. - Desert Pomme
5. - Draklaita Pomme
6. - Heart Pomme
7. - Normal Pomme
8. - Plushie Pomme
9. - Razor Pomme
10. - Toxic Pomme
She will lead the way through the forest where you could get lost. Lost, in the dark shadows all alone...
You are out walking in the forest when you realize you don't know where you are and it's starting to get dark. You don't want to be out here all alone when those nightmares starts to wake up. But suddenly you can hear bells chiming...
Collection Limit: 4