Physical Description: Human She's roughly 5'4. Her skin is very well tanned. She has thin,attractive figure. She has long blond hair and blue expressive blue eyes. She's usually seen in blue dresses of bright hues. Quad -Still TBA- Personality: Kind and intelligent. She's a very good judge of character and will not let anyone she deems to be a bad person to even touch her fountain. She also has strong beliefs of right and wrong. She doesn't believe bad people deserve the healing powers her fountain possesses. She's also incredibly stubborn and unyielding. She was not change her judgment of a person unless it is for incredible circumstances. Background: Where and when Fount was born has been lost in time. It is known that she's been around a lot longer than her sixteen year old body makes you think. She's the guardian of a magical fountain that has incredible healing powers. It is said she guards the fountain of youth. This fountain is located deep within the earth and magically follows the circus of horrors.
A filtered down bit of her water is used in all the drinks in the circus. That is why if you feel sick at the circus having a bit of the water there will make you feel a bit better. Fount sometimes hates when bad people drink even the filtered and watered down version of her fountain water, but she deals with it since she knows it also helps any nice people.