Traveling Warrior
Pet Name: Kill
Owner: Whitefoxfire
Theme / Type: Inferno Obsideon
Born: July 13, 2008
Gender: Male
Warrior's Only Friends
Level: 3
Hit Points: 5 / 5
Strength: 4
Defense: 2
Speed: 3
Intellect: 2
Misticpower: 8
Battles Won: 3
Battles Lost: 1
Books Read
Books Read:
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
38/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Aetra Pomme
2. - Albino Pomme
3. - Albino Pommekin
4. - Anya Pomme
5. - Bat Pomme
6. - Blush Pomme
7. - Cactus Drink
8. - Caramel Pomme
9. - Cheran Pomme
10. - Creepy Orange
11. - Desert Pomme
12. - Dried Up Cactus Drink
13. - Eledon Pomme
14. - Flat Top Pomme
15. - Haruba Pomme
16. - Heart Pomme
17. - Mandoran Pomme
18. - Nocturnal Pomme
19. - Noir Pomme
20. - Normal Pomme
21. - Phelocan Pomme
22. - Plague Pomme
23. - Pomme Pomme
24. - Pomme Poultry
25. - Pommeaid
26. - Pommekin Cubed
27. - Pommerainian
28. - Possessed Pomme
29. - Pyramid Cake
30. - Razor Pomme
31. - Scarab Soup
32. - Scorpion on a Stick
33. - Shyguy
34. - Sour Pomme
35. - Strange Sack Lunch
36. - Swamp Pomme
37. - Toxic Pomme
38. - Zisscor Pomme
The Monster Inside Me
Thank you Twiggers for pounding this lovely~
.-~ '' ~-.
Staring at the carnage, praying that the sun would never rise.
Living another day in disguise.
These feelings can't be right, lend me your courage to stand up and fight, on tonight.
The fighting rages on and on, to challenge me you must be strong.
I walk your land but don't belong, two million soldiers can't be wrong
It's no fun but I've been here before
I'm far from home and I'm fighting your war.
(Not the way I pictured this, I wanted better things)
Some are scared others killing for fun, I shot a mother right in front of her son.
(Take this from my consciousness, and please erase my dreams)
Fight for honor, fight for your life
Pray to God that our side is right.
Even though we won, I still may lose
Until I make it home to you
I see our mothers filled with tears,
grew up so fast where did those years go?
Memories won't let you cry,
unless I don't return tonight
.-~ '' ~-.
Real Name: -forgotten-
Nick Name: Kill
-verb (used with object)
1. to deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; slay.
2. to destroy; do away with; extinguish: His response killed our hopes.
3. to destroy or neutralize the active qualities of: to kill an odor.
-verb (used without object)
19. to inflict or cause death.
20. to commit murder.
21. to be killed.
Age: Looks 19
Species: Warrior
Gender: Male
Born Under a Crimson Sun
-Sketch 1-
-Sketch 2-
Fur: Copper Red
Eyes: Blood Flecked Brown
Mutations: Scales of various colors
Build: Muscular but Lean
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 2,295 lbs
Fox Mask
Chinese Food
Take Out
Quiet Places
His Curse
Job: Fascinating Beast
Hired: July 10, 2011 at 12:38am
Roleplay Status:
Relationship Status:
|-| Brave |-| Fearful |-| Distressed |-| Determined |-|
-coming soon-
Favorite Saying:
"I just wanted to break..."
"I only work for a price... You must be willing to pay..."
"I don't know why, but I was sent to kill You...."
Theme Song: "M.I.A." by Avenged Sevenfold
.-~ '' ~-.
So many soldiers on the other side, I take their lives so they can't take mine.
(Scared to make it out alive now murder's all I know.)
Nobody tells me all the reasons we're here. I have my weapons so there's nothing to fear.
(Another day, another life, but nothing real to show for)
Watching the death toll rise wondering how I'm alive.
Stranger's blood on my hands, I've shot all I can
There are no silent nights, watching your brothers all die
To destroy all their plans with no thought of me
No thought of me, no thought of me
Walk the city lonely
Memories that haunt are passing by
A murderer walks your streets tonight
Forgive me for my crimes;don't forget that I was so young
Fought so scared in the name of God and Country
.-~ '' ~-.
-If ever lost, Please return to Whitefoxfire-
Please Don't Follow Me
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The Warrior's Treasures
Collection Limit: 4
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