Pet Information
Pet Name: Kotan_Kor
Owner: Auqwi
Theme / Type: Tropical Gurahdi
Born: September 13, 2009
Gender: Male
Mood: Mad
MisticPal Name: Korvu
MisticPal Age: 5557 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 7
Hit Points: 7 / 7
Strength: 7
Defense: 7
Speed: 7
Intellect: 9
Misticpower: 7
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
4/373 [ View Books ]
1. Book about Sand
2. Bound Books
3. Scarab Desert Survival Handbook
4. The Amazon
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
1. - Creepy Purple Eyeball
Pet Profile
The Blakiston's Fish Owl (Ketupa blakistoni) was called "Kotan Kor Kamuv" (God of the Village) by the Ainu, the native peoples of Hokkaido, Japan. The traditional Ainu people were hunter-gatherers and believed that all animals were divine; most admired were bear and the fish owl. The owls were held in particular esteem and, like the people, were associated with fish (salmonids) and lived in many of the same riverside locations. The Fish Owl Ceremony, which returned the spirit of fish owls to the god's world, was conducted until the 1930's (T. Tekenaka, pers. comm.).
Pet Collections
Collection Limit: 4
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