Pet Information
Pet Name: Morgann
Owner: Amethygre
Theme / Type: Albino Haruba
Born: September 27, 2010
Gender: Female
Mood: Mad
MisticPal Name: Auryn
MisticPal Age: 5176 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 14
Hit Points: 102 / 102
Strength: 58
Defense: 0
Speed: 18
Intellect: 19
Misticpower: 64
Battles Won: 217
Battles Lost: 174
Books Read
Books Read:
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
12/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Angel Pomme
2. - Blush Pomme
3. - Frozen Pine Pomme
4. - Gurahdi Pomme
5. - Happy Cake
6. - Lanturnacht Lolly
7. - Mint Chocolate Sundae
8. - Pomme Pilot
9. - Pommeaid
10. - Pommekin Cubed
11. - Volcan Dessert
12. - Yehxil Pomme
Pet Profile
"I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel"
Pronunciation: MOR-gann
Meaning: from the name of King Arthur's stepsister, Fairy Morgan, who was Merlin's pupil and a highly skilled sorceress
Age: young enough to love, old enough to kill
Personnality: Morgann is the most devoted person for people she loves, but if someone attacks her, she can be of the utmost cruelty. She was raised by Fayrn who taught her about the forest and its secrets.
Betrayed when she was younger, she has an unlimited hatred for unfaithful lovers and takes out her revenge by seducing them, thanks to her unbelievable beauty, and then killing them.
Favourite Place: Avalon Island of which she is the only one to know the place. She often disappears during long days to visit it.
Likes: Peace, Balance, Natural forces
Dislikes: Betrayal, Hipocrisy
Friendship: Mother of Mordred. Adoptive daughter of Fayrn
Pet Collections
Collection Limit: 4
This pet has no collections.