Aristocratic - Benevolent - Dignified
Pet Name: Nowhere
Owner: RatbAiT
Theme / Type: Wintercursed Frodrinn
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 4 / 4
Strength: 2
Defense: 3
Speed: 4
Intellect: 3
Misticpower: 1
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
5/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Cactus Drink
2. - Charitee Pomme
3. - Normal Pomme
4. - Scarab Soup
5. - Scorpion on a Stick
Image Here.
Alias: None.
Age: Ageless.
Birthday: ???
Occupation: The Creator.
Orientation: Homosexual.
Status: Having 'fun'.
A world of Balance; for every right, there is a wrong
This is the World he sought.
With the Power he possessed, in his right hand he formed the Light. And from that Light in his hand, there was cast a shadow; an opposite for all the Light stood for. Darkness. With his left hand, he cradled the Dark; and thrust both upon the World.
They looked upon him in shock.
"How is it you can love us so much, yet subject us to these tortures?"
"For you see my children, without those tortures you would not learn to cherish the moments of treasure in your life."
And his children bowed their heads in remorse.
"Forgive us, for we have betrayed you, in our moment of confusion."
"I have already forgave, for you are my children; and as my children, I shall love you - always."
You are what keeps the World intact, my Dear Neutrality.
I forsake no one, my Dark One. Nor do I abandon, my Light Child.
//Theme Here.//
*Is RatbAiT's forever*
Adopted: 12/14/11 -Box'd: 12/26/11 <3