The Consumer of the End
Pet Name: Rapture
Owner: Whitefoxfire
Theme / Type: Apocalyptic Gourix
MisticPal Name: Plague
MisticPal Age: 5126 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 3 / 3
Strength: 3
Defense: 2
Speed: 1
Intellect: 3
Misticpower: 3
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
Man's Horse of the Apocalypse
Thank you so very much Kwimby for letting me adopt him x3 -huggles-
Leave the past behind, just walk away
When it's over, and the heart break
And the cracks begin to show
And the cracks begin to show
Real Name: Experiment #65092 'End of Ends'
Nick Name: Rapture, Ends
1. ecstatic joy or delight; joyful ecstasy.
2. Often, raptures. an utterance or expression of ecstatic delight.
3. the carrying of a person to another place or sphere of existence.
4. the Rapture, Theology . the experience, anticipated by some fundamentalist Christians, of meeting Christ midway in the air upon his return to earth.
5. Archaic. the act of carrying off.
Age: Several Decades
Species: Machine
Gender: Male?
Consumer of the Horses
^ will look something like that ^
Form: Metal
Eyes: Red
Markings: none
Mutations: none
Build: Machine
Height: 6' at the shoulder
Weight: 3,790 lbs
-none known of-
-none known of-
Job: Destroy the Horses of Revelations
Hired: October 1, 2011 at 12:46 pm
Roleplay Status:
Relationship Status:
Not Affected
Doesn't Apply
-none apparent-
A machine made by man to prolong the end of the world, Rapture was built to consume and kill the horses of revelations as well as their riders so that the end of the world would never come. That was his only task, and once it was done, he'd be shut down and locked away.
Being mostly machine, he does not have a true personality, though it is said that after consuming so many revelations, he has begun to develop emotions and a thought process. However, his creators usually don't give him enough time to use it, as he is sent out only to satisfy his mission and then be done. It is reveled that he will possibly go rogue if left to his own ambitions. This hasn't been proven, though his makers are now modifying him to do more than just kill the horses of revelations, but instead, capture them and absorb their essence, so that essentially, new horses will be recruited to replace them and in time, no more revelations would come.
So, Rapture has been released once more, but this time to find and 'absorb' the essence of the horses, or anyone of the revelations for that manner. If encountered, he'll probably just stare at you blankly, though, has been known to communicate after a bit of pestering.
Favorite Saying:
".. The End is Far .."
"I'm Coming for you~...."
"You.... this is.... strange..."
"...I will not be fooled by you"
To be: ...?
Theme Song(s):
"Cracks" by The Freestylers
"Clipping" by MUTEMATH
Leave the past behind, just walk away
When it's over, and the heart break
And the cracks begin to show
And the cracks begin to show
-If ever lost, Please return to Whitefoxfire-
You're Interrupting My Mission...
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