Wingil says Oh, haha, if you read my profile.. it said that... Sinligereep drew that for me~
Wingil says Oh why thank you~ :D And which picture? The one with the bird whistle or the one with the bird whistle?
Katy says -blushes- Thanks
Cobwebs says I'm not really a fighter..but thank you!
Cobwebs says I think you would look really cute when you're a baby
Vanya_Sveta says Aw so cute~~
Chronos says Yes we are both Panju's :o
says i can play spyro the video game its a good game and hello
says *Tarinooki races though tall grass, then bumps into Gourix*
Hi, I'm Musicpath! *:D- Realizes she bumped into him- D:* Sorry for nearly knocking you over...*Gets dirt out of paw with teeth, twitches ears- looks at him, he opens his mouth as if about to reply*