The Curious Beast
Pet Name: WHAt
Owner: Whitefoxfire
Theme / Type: Overgrowth Belragoth
Born: May 22, 2010
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 3 / 3
Strength: 3
Defense: 2
Speed: 1
Intellect: 3
Misticpower: 3
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
What Wonders What
Another beast I blame on Sio
The Abstract
"What is That?"
"That is What"
Full Name: --Unknown--
Nick Name: "What"
pronoun, noun, adjective, adverb, interjection and conjunction
1. Which thing or which particular one of many
2. Which kind, character, or designation
3. One of how much value or significance
4. That which; the thing that
5. Whatever thing that
6. That which; the thing that
7. Whatever thing that
8. Informal Something
9. Nonstandard Which, who, or that
10. How much; in what respect; how: What does it matter?
11.That: I don't know but what I'll go.
12. Used to express surprise, incredulity, or other strong and sudden excitement.
13. Chiefly British Used as a tag question, often to solicit agreement.
Age: Undefined
Species: Undiscovered
Gender: Unknown
He's Got Everyone Puzzled and He's Puzzled About Everyone
^The Best Depiction Available
This information is unavailable at the time, as his emotions towards objects are quite different than our own. Converting our "likings" to his likings, has proven to be quite difficult. Though, from observance, What likes too study reactions, which includes the act of "testing" to see how people will react to various touchings.
This information is unavailable at the time, as his emotions towards objects are quite different than our own. Converting our "disliking" to his disliking, has proven to be quite difficult. Though, from what we observe, What dislikes it when people are emotionless to his doings.
Mystifying Observers
Job: Wondrous Beast
Hired: May 26, 2010 at 9:46 pm
Roleplay Status:
Relationship Status:
Unsure of Love
Unknown, Though, presumably, same Species
What, unlike his parents, can communicate with us in our own language. Though, he is a bit crude and vile, he enjoys testing people and seeing how they react to his touching. He does tend to push boundaries, and not just verbally. But he only does it out of curiosity, no "perverted" emotions included. Also, we are not sure What is exactly. He can be seen as male, or female, and we assume he has both functions.
Favorite Saying:
"And how does This make you feel?"
That is his "father" and This is his "mother"
Likes to bother This user
To be a Overgrowth Belragoth...
Poppeted into a Belragoth June 11, 2010 at 10:40 pm x3 thanks to Kenkou!
Boxed at 11:02 pm same day, also thanks to Kenkou x3 you rock!
-If ever lost, Please return to Whitefoxfire-
Pet Collections
Collection Limit: 4
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