Raichurules says I saw you asking in the news: if you used a Shiny Pandoria Box on your pet, then the effect will wear off on its own in about a week and your pet will return to normal.
Utopia says yes yes they are. Im falling asleep at my desk but I wanted to get the interest inmy bank. lol zzz goodnight
Villainess says Rain certainly nice and cools everything off. ^^
Villainess says It just started here. :P It shouldn't be bad day, though. You? (You made me decide to look up the weather here, wondering if it would be double digits. Luckily it is not, but it gets into the 90s.)
Villainess says *facepalm* I read the wrong. Actually, just report said post, with the line "double post" and the mod should clear it up. It isn't a big issue so long as it isn't spam.
Villainess says Head's up since I saw your board: You can actually create multiple boards, so long as they are for different topics. The only thing you have to worry about for double posting is posting on a forum twice in a row on the same day. (So you can bump it up the next day if no one replies, but not before) So you shouldn't get into trouble, and your question shouldn't be a problem. :)
Utopia says I am doing great. Woke up from a lovely nap. mmmm
Utopia says hey how is it going?