Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 15
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

This next month will be confusing and perhaps a bit hectic, but in due time, everything will have been towards a positive outlook. Keep your chin high and throw your shoulders back-you deserve to show some pride.

A romantic interest can be foreseen within your near future. Try not to be hasty, though, you might just regret it. Keep your eyes peeled for one who might change their opinion about you.

Keep up your hard work, Gemini! You may not currently have the most successful time this month, but with time, everything is possible. Attempt to keep your temper at bay.

This month will be one of change for you. There's a chance that you will get frustrated with said changes, but if you keep a positive view, things will turn out for the best.

Hey, Leo! Reign in your Jinx and keep an eye on anything you could possibly make a mistake on-this could save you in regards to something you didn't even know was connected!

People may see you as dramatic, but they just don't understand. Try to be more open and let new people in your life, everyone loves a shoulder to lean on!

Keep an eye on your money, as celebrations may take it out of you! Exercise a cautious eye, you may not be as prepared as you think!

If something is troubling you, dear Scorpio, you may want to talk to your best friend, troubles don't spill themselves! Look forward to a brightening month.

You're normally a quiet one. Get out there and make yourself known! Who knows, maybe a new friend is just what you need this month!

Think before you act this month! Hasty decisions lead to rough patches in one's life, even if they can be enjoyable at first.

Problems can arise this month and you may find frustration in encounters with a relative, a schoolteacher or other establishment figure. There could even be power struggles nearer home. Keep an eye out.

Normally, you have more common sense than most, but this month, you may have to make a life-changing split decision. Be careful, Pisces!
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