Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 33
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Slowly but surely in April, you’ll take pleasure in significantly more clarity and confidence. Friends will notice and take great appreciation in the fact that you are returning to full strength and be more interested in becoming social. Have an idea of something that you’ve always wanted to tell the rest of Mistic about? Spread the joy of your thoughts and feelings; don’t worry about feeling nervous, you will certainly feel the better effect of it!

It’s on Pandoria’s cards that you’ll be working very hard this month to earn extra cash dear Taurus. You may also feel the need to keep up with the desire for new things; that collection you’re working on? It may seem far-fetched to you at the moment, but come time and you will rake in the rewards. Friends will always be there for you to lay rest on; a big push of personal energy will positively do you good.

It seems that someone will be receiving some extra attention in the coming month; though, never lose focus on giving appreciation back. It also seems likely that this is the time for new friendships to blossom in the field of creativity. Have you recently done some creative work that you’re proud of, but also feel you could do with some constructive words? Mistic is full of wonderful and talented people who will always give a helping hand, all you need to do is post it on the forums!

The completion of goals is in focus next month, dear Cancer. Daily activities become less muddled and overwhelming, giving you that much needed time to spend on more widely goals. Had the idea of entering in one of the creative contests? Give it a go; you never know what the outcome could be. Don’t be afraid to think that you’re ideas will be cast out of the water, express them and you will soon notice the attention.

In recent months you may have felt more independent than ever, but good news next month will see you meeting new people who are likely to be a source of inspiration to you. It will also however bring different ways of thinking and you especially will enjoy exchanging ideas with others. There may be a big debate that you feel strongly about happening on the forums, get to it!

Finances appear to be the big topic for you next month; it may also bring concern as you face problems and find ways to improve your spending and borrowing habits. We all find it a fabulous time to buy new things, but maybe planning out how you’re going to spend each and every MC before going too overboard? If you haven’t got a bank account, apply for one now!

The signs have looked up for you next month dear Libra. With each adventure comes an advantage for you, during this time you may feel like putting more effort than you usually do when it comes to fighting for your views. (Or whacking/saving Znakes?) Plots may also bring out new experiences for you that will ultimately challenge you to think on your feet; so make sure you’re prepared!

Be prepared to rearrange your schedule at a moment's notice as it could mean that the one you had was just not working out for you. It's a strong month for solving problems, reorganizing, and tending to the practical details of your daily activities. Haven’t had much involvement with the weekly site games but have always wanted to try them out? There’s no better time than In April!

While pastimes, hobbies, and entertainment are tempting; only take it as an occasional thing as it’s back to business for the later end of April. It’s time to get organising those pet profiles or restocking your shop because this is the only time you’ll get to do it; get behind and you will certainly know about it in times to come.

Considerable progress can be made around organisation and work goals next month. Be sure to stick to things as you’ll tend to start and finish something you desire in a matter of moments, but not to the best of your ability. Starting a collection is always tempting, except dedication is needed to actually complete one; remember this.

You’ll not only feel more confident in yourself but you’ll be speaking more boldly, more loudly and less concerned about repercussions than ever before; however there is no need to be more concerned than you should, others will appreciate it. Nobody actively wants to dismiss your ideas; you never know it may turn out to be reality. Mistica’s Gods had the help of each other to create the world, so don’t feel afraid to ask for help.

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