Pet Name: Servitor
Owner: Gremlin
Theme / Type: Desert Kratork
Gender: Male

Battle Portal Stats
Level: 4
Hit Points: 33 / 34
Strength: 20
Defense: 3
Speed: 18
Intellect: 250
Misticpower: 27
Books Read
Books Read:
253/373 [ View Books ]
1. 101 Murders
2. A Spark
3. Ace of Spades
4. Advanced Text Books
5. Aetra Winter Tale
6. Ahbruis Markings
7. All about Donuts
8. All about Misticpets
9. All about Misticpets (A-M)
10. All about Misticpets (N-Z)
11. Ancient Figure Page
12. Ancient Harvest Page
13. Ancient Wing Page
14. Banding Together
15. Basic Text Books
16. Battle: The Basics
17. Beach Bunnies
18. Bed Time Stories
19. Birthday Book
20. Bitten Bones
21. Black and White
22. Black Cats
23. Bloody Footprints
24. Bones of All Sorts
25. Book about Sand
26. Book of Carols
27. Book of Death
28. Book of Dreadful Prophecies
29. Book Of Haunted Weapons
30. Book of Ice
31. Book of Inspiration
32. Book of Sunshine
33. Book of Wisdom
34. Book with No Words
35. Bottled Book Soul
36. Bound and Broken
37. Bumps in the Night
38. Butterfly of Evil
39. Caring for a Koko
40. Case of the Missing Items
41. Catty Behavior
42. Cheran Myths
43. Cheran Sticker Book
44. Cheran Tales
45. Cheran: A History
46. Choosing a Pet
47. Cobweb Journal
48. Collection of Autumn Leaves
49. Connect the Dots
50. Coral Crisis
51. Crazy Horror Stories
52. Danger!
53. Dangerous Weapons
54. Dark Secrets of Misticpets
55. Darkness Watches
56. Darkwood Hollow Stories
57. DayDream Notebook
58. Daydreams of a Tarinooki
59. Deadly Lullabies
60. Deep Sea Note
61. Demonic Gourix
62. Demonic Gourix 2
63. Desert Dessert
64. Digging Graves
65. Dinosaurs Grr!
66. Draklaita Trilogy Vol. 1
67. Draklaita Trilogy Vol. 2
68. Draklaita Trilogy Vol. 3
69. Epic Cherai
70. Everything About Love
71. Famous Vampires
72. Fauna of Darkwood
73. Feeding Your Izabel
74. FingerPainting Basics
75. Flora of Darkwood
76. Flower Moon
77. Flying with the Clouds
78. Forgotten Diary
79. Frayed Rainbow Book
80. Furious Frodrinn
81. Ghostly Ghosts
82. Ghouls Vs Ghosts
83. Glitches in Time
84. Gobbledegook
85. Gourix Heartbreak
86. Gourix Pawprints
87. Gourix Romance
88. Gourmet Pearl Recipes
89. Guide for a Traveler
90. Guide to Flowers
91. Guide to Wand Care
92. Gurahdi Mysteries
93. Haruba Stripes
94. Haunted Castles
95. Haunted Garden
96. Haunted Mansions
97. Haunting Sea Shanties
98. Haunting Tales
99. Her Diary
100. History of the Pandoria Box
101. Hoo Flung Poo - Book
102. How to Battle
103. How to Build a Pillow Fort
104. How to Care For a Belragoth
105. How to Care for a Braenon
106. How to Care for a Caribyss
107. How to Care For a Cheran
108. How to Care for a Comeil
109. How to Care for a Draklaita
110. How to Care for a Frodrinn
111. How to Care for a Gourix
112. How to Care for a Gurahdi
113. How to Care for a Haruba
114. How to Care for a Jinx
115. How to Care for a Jumboyo
116. How to Care for a Kirui
117. How to Care for a Kohal
118. How to Care for a Koko
119. How to Care for a Kratork
120. How to Care for a Lirionox
121. How to Care for a Mandoran
122. How to Care for a Mericai
123. How to Care for a Nokwi
124. How to Care for a Panju
125. How to Care for a Phelocan
126. How to Care for a Quari
127. How to Care for a Ricket
128. How to Care for a Risylki
129. How to Care for a Skillow
130. How to Care for a Stignightus
131. How to Care for a Tarinooki
132. How to Care for a Vix
133. How to Care for a Yehxil
134. How to Care for a Zisscor
135. How to Care for a Zokuleon
136. How to Care For an Aetra
137. How to Care for an Ahbruis
138. How to Care for an Anya
139. How to Care for an Eledon
140. How to Care for an Emperon
141. How to Care for an Inarbu
142. How to Care for an Izabel
143. How to Care for an Obsideon
144. How to Cook for Panjus
145. How to Feed Your Pet
146. How to Form an Angry Mob
147. How to Scare Away Nightmares
148. How to Stave Off Daydreams
149. How to Stop Spam
150. Inarbu Guide to Fishing
151. Inferno Terrain Stories
152. Jack of Diamonds
153. Jinx Pranks
154. Jumboyo Haircare
155. Kalri Recipes
156. King of Clubs
157. Koko Biography
158. Ladybug Mysteries
159. Lanturnacht Horrors
160. Lighthouse Legends
161. Love Note in a Bottle
162. Making Gingerbread Houses
163. Mending a Broken Heart
164. Merry Mericai
165. Message in a Bottle
166. Mistic Mist
167. Mistical Melodies
168. Mistical Mistica
169. Mistical Tome
170. Mistican Independence Vol 1
171. Mistican Independence Vol 2
172. Mistican Independence Vol 3
173. Mistifying
174. Monster Popup Book
175. Mushroom Field Guide
176. Mushrooms 101
177. Music for Beginners
178. Musical Gourix Book
179. Mysteries of Banshee Swamp
180. Mysteries of Dire Morana
181. Mysteries of Lost Mistic Mail
182. Night Before Mistmas Book
183. Night of the Ahbruis
184. Nightmare Notebook
185. Note Reading 101
186. Obsideon Howl
187. Ostara Book
188. Pandoria's Box Blueprints
189. Party Animals A-Z
190. Pet Care
191. PHP Manual
192. Picking Cranberries
193. Pirate Hats Through The Ages
194. Pirates Life For Me
195. Pixie Picnics
196. Potion Mixing
197. Powerful Pandoria
198. Preparing a Proper Feast
199. Purple Scout Journal
200. Quest for Comeilot
201. Rainbows
202. Raining Cats and Dogs
203. Recipe for Trouble
204. Sandsworm Book
205. Sango Reef Brochure
206. Scarab Desert Survival Handbook
207. Screaming Book
208. Scroll I
209. Scroll II
210. Scroll III
211. Scythe of Death
212. Secret Murders
213. Secrets of the Orb
214. Secrets of the Reef
215. Shrinking Zisscors
216. Skillow Song Book
217. Starry Skies
218. Still Seas
219. Stormy Nights
220. Sun Rise
221. Swampy Tales
222. Symbols of the Scarab Desert
223. Tales of Lysithea
224. The Bat Curse
225. The Beast
226. The Dazzling Vampire
227. The Evil Cackle
228. The Evil Eye
229. The Forest Octopus Friend
230. The Lazy Panju
231. The Lonely Starfish
232. The Missing Cookie!
233. The Rainy Day Book
234. The White Eledon
235. Thunder and Lightning
236. Tracking Obsideons
237. Travel Map of the Traveler
238. Tribal Drumming Guide for Dummies
239. Ultimate Table Book
240. Umbrellas
241. Wanted Arsonists
242. Waterlogged Scroll
243. Web of Lies
244. Web Tales
245. What Lurks in the Swamp
246. White Lines of a Black Heart
247. Who Ate the Carrot?
248. Who Killed The Cookie?
249. Why They Glow
250. Wolf Moon
251. Yehxil Storybook
252. Znakes on a Boat
253. Zombie Stories
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
92/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Aetra Pomme
2. - Albino Pommekin
3. - Angel Pomme
4. - Anya Pomme
5. - Arctic Pomme
6. - Bat Pomme
7. - Belragoth Pomme
8. - Blush Pomme
9. - Braenon Pomme
10. - Caramel Pomme
11. - Charitee Pomme
12. - Cheran Pomme
13. - Chocolate Pomme
14. - Coconut Pomme
15. - Comeil Pomme
16. - Daydream Pomme
17. - Demon Pomme
18. - Dragon Vinegar
19. - Draklaita Pomme
20. - Dried Up Cactus Drink
21. - Drink Me Potion
22. - Eat Me Cookie
23. - Eledon Pomme
24. - Farmer Pomme
25. - Flat Top Pomme
26. - Flowering Pomme
27. - Flying Pomme
28. - Frozen Pine Pomme
29. - Furry Pomme
30. - Ginger Pommepadour
31. - Gurahdi Pomme
32. - Haruba Pomme
33. - Heart Pomme
34. - Inarbu Pomme
35. - iPomme
36. - Jinx Pomme
37. - Jumboyo Pomme
38. - King Pomme
39. - Kitty Pomme
40. - Koko Pomme
41. - Krabapple Pomme
42. - Leafy Pomme
43. - Mandoran Pomme
44. - Mint Chocolate Covered Bunny
45. - Mysterious Pomme
46. - Na Pomme
47. - Nightmare Pomme
48. - Nocturnal Pomme
49. - Noir Pomme
50. - Nokwi Pomme
51. - Nuclear Pomme
52. - Orange Chocolate Pomme
53. - Panju Pomme
54. - Pearl Pomme
55. - Phantom Pomme
56. - Phelocan Pomme
57. - Pie Pomme
58. - Pirate Pomme
59. - Plague Pomme
60. - Plushie Pomme
61. - Pomme Juice
62. - Pomme Pomme
63. - Pomme Tree Nest
64. - Pommeade
65. - Pommeaid
66. - Pommegranite
67. - Pommekin Cubed
68. - Pommepadour
69. - Pommerainian
70. - Possessed Pomme
71. - Present Cake
72. - Primped Pomme
73. - Princess Pomme
74. - Pyramid Cake
75. - Quari Pomme
76. - Red Lobster
77. - Scorpion on a Stick
78. - Skillow Pomme
79. - Slimy Candy Corn Pommekins
80. - Snake Pomme
81. - Sour Pomme
82. - Spooky Pomme
83. - Swamp Pomme
84. - Tarinooki Pomme
85. - Turkey Pomme
86. - Watermelon Inside Watermelon
87. - Weighted Companion Pomme
88. - Withered Pommekin
89. - Woodland Pomme
90. - Wormy Pomme
91. - Yehxil Pomme
92. - Zisscor Pomme
Once upon a time...
The Western Deserts are the most merciless in all of the Realms. Here, even the night is powerless to bring repose from the scorching heat. A trail of oases is one of the few viable crossings that a member of a civilized race can traverse through that desolate region. Elsewhere the sands and caves are sparsely filled with critters and creatures that move about the burning sands in search of food.
Some of these beasts are of legendary origin. The incalescence of the sands is nothing compared to that of the Barren Yellow Dragons that lurk in the few subterranean caverns that exist in the Western Deserts. They emit a caustic and vile gas that they can breathe on either their foes or their prey that will leave any unprotected creature writhing in pain; furthermore it is a gas that they can ignite to devastate anything in their path. These scaly beasts can hover high in the skies to spot and capture their meals. They have also been known to bury themselves deep in the sands for days in wait. Most worrying of all, they are rumoured to wait in their caves for desperate travellers that only seek repose from the vicious sun.
Luckily, they are rarely spotted. Their habitats are too deep into the desert wilderness and their numbers are few. Thus, it is clear that any loremaster that seeks to document this creature is best off not attempting to do so. Rest assured, however, that this creature does in fact exist and that there is proof of it. Alas, that is another story for another time.
Exile had driven the human far from his lands and his title. Hounded by sellswords and armed retainers, he could do little but flee into the Western Deserts. A wooden crossbow with a meagre quarrel of bolts lay in his disposal against those that hunted him. These were not all he carried with himself of course. He possessed a sheathed short sword and a cloak that matched the colour of the sands that surrounded him. As well, he wore trappings that spared him from the brutality of the heat. A half empty flask and a couple of loaves of stale bread were also in his inventory of items. Intelligently, he bore nothing that linked him to his former identity as a Prince of Rubbiya.
He lacked something crucial however, something that made his escape attempt seem a destined folly for the ages. His mount, a camel of sorts, had not made it along with him. It was the only creature that could make sense of direction in this place. Now, he was lost. Tumbling and tripping over the sands as the heat began to affect his own mental clarity. There was not a road in sight, but he trudged forward the best he could.
Luck struck him, a repose was in sight. The sands had come to an end as they slipped into the cracks of scorched brown dirt and rocks. A small mountain range lay ahead, one that was rocky and could provide him with just a brief shelter to rest. He trudged onwards until he at a place that was even hotter than the sands he had just left behind. There were pools of liquid here, but they were of a ghastly, bubbling chemical that would cripple the innards of whoever would be foolish enough to drink them. The true prince was wise enough to avoid them. He felt he had been lucky enough to find a place with shade to escape the merciless sun. He still felt exhausted, but he pushed forward.
The sun suddenly turned to shade for the briefest of moments which surprised him. He knew that it was nothing but his exhausted mind playing tricks on him. He finally moved forward and entered the shade that the small mountain had offered him. Luck seemed to be on his side as he stumbled upon a cave that could give him even greater relief from the heat. He unsheathed his sword and slammed it against the rock, making such a ruckus that would surely stir any monster awake. Luck yet again seemed to be on his side, as not a sound nor a flicker emerged from the cavern. And so he entered.
He sat down in a place where the light barely illuminated him but also a place where he was not plunged into total darkness. He opened his flask and drank from it in relief. The night offered but a glimmer of relief from the heat of the daytime, but there was no other alternative. He would rest until the night came.