Calm - Irreverent - Questionable
Pet Name: miskatonic
Owner: eye
Theme / Type: Blessed anya
Born: November 1, 2015
MisticPal Name: Dunwich
MisticPal Age: 3058 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 10 / 10
Strength: 20
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Intellect: 10
Misticpower: 1
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
oh, my love, my ancient son
angry at everyone
mouth full of thorns pulled from nature's back
yeah, we'll never forget that
born on an ancient day
named with an ancient name
[winter's house - giles corey]
"Miskatonic. four syllables, stress on the first. yeah, I know. my parents were, um...
fans of old horror stories. thought it would be funny what with my hallow's eve birthday and all.
i guess it is, a little."
his wide shrug says everything you need to know;
his shirt sleeve gaps a bit from his arm, revealing bone poking through frostbitten flesh.
(for now? check back this may change)
no one's quite sure what he does.
if asked, he says he's a college student.
his apartment always seems to have a thin film of ice on all the surfaces and frost on the front sidewalk.
this wouldn't be so unusual if he didn't live in a desert that this year hasn't seen rain, let alone snow and ice,
in 240 days and counting.
apparently he is not truly a hairless cat and used to have all his fur at one point, but aside
from his tail it all fell out. the fur on his tail is long and looks silky but feels unpleasantly oily if touched.
his eyes are blue, but the left one is currently stained red from a hemorrhage gained in a fistfight.
according to him, he won.
smokes, but only at night.
adopted 8/26/2016 - thank you Quarantine!
turned Frozen Fiend 1/4/2018 - thank you (again) Quarantine!