Pet Name: Terminus
Owner: Muse
Theme / Type: Wintercursed Jinx
Born: October 31, 2009
Gender: Male
MisticPal Name: Pathogen
MisticPal Age: 4182 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 43 / 43
Strength: 20
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Intellect: 15
Misticpower: 30
Books Read
Books Read:
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
2/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Cactus Drink
2. - Dried Up Cactus Drink
Many thanks to Masshiro!
Adopted at 5:02pm on 6/10/13.
Coming up with the next plague is nowhere near as difficult as one might think.
The lab is small, yes, but I have everything I need. Most of the time I need only a few ingredients to toss in the cauldron. Sit, stir, simmer, done. Others require a little more "pizzazz", I suppose.
(Is that too hip? Too trendy? Eyepatch told me I'm as musty as an old grimore and to "add some spice" to my vocabulary.)
Anyway, as I was saying... most of my work is easy. From what I hear, humans have this little thing in a box called Pandemic? Yeah, that easy. Well, maybe not that much, but that's the basic gist of things.
I keep little colds and sniffles rotating through the seasons. Sometimes I tinker with things a bit, but the big ones are always boiling, never ready until they need to be. They're extremely particular to what you put in as well, so... don't touch.
Sometimes Stitches comes in for his work. He never takes much and always repays the favor. Give and take. Perfectly acceptable.
However, NEVER give things to Eyepatch. Eyepatch has none of the qualities his mentor had, save for his cool temper, but he can't be trusted. We can't let things accelerate too fast, can we?
Muku is essentially a plague bringer, and a master at his given task. He usually works on a large number of projects at a time, big and small. When one is done and ready for release, he compacts it and releases it in small strains. (I kinda wanna play around with the idea of viruses?)
Outside of that, he usually exchanges his concoctions with Reapers (like Oubliette), who may use it at very limited quantities at a time, in exchange for favors.
During the waiting times and when he's not working on projects, he writes or plays chess with one of his companions. His most frequent friend was Jericho's mentor, Nietzsche, though after his disappearance he's been playing less.
(c/p'd from app... will work more on it later)
Collection Limit: 4
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