Hostile - Troublesome - Animated
Pet Name: Yackle
Owner: Ghost
Theme / Type: Baby Obsideon
Born: March 11, 2008
Gender: Female
Mood: Mad

Battle Portal Stats
Level: 3
Hit Points: 5 / 5
Strength: 4
Defense: 2
Speed: 3
Intellect: 2
Misticpower: 8
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
12/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Cactus Drink
2. - Dried Up Cactus Drink
3. - Ducky Cookie
4. - Pyramid Cake
5. - Quari Pomme
6. - Scarab Soup
7. - Scarab Soup
8. - Scorpion on a Stick
9. - Spider Popcorn
10. - Toxic Pomme
11. - Twisted Candy Cane Lolly
12. - Weighted Companion Pomme
Name: Yackle
Gender: Female
Age: 10?
Occupation: Witch / Prophet?
Relationship Status: Pointless
Personality: Thinks she's a meddling 'wise' old woman. More often than not foiled by bursts of childish innocence. Has a tendency to be irritable upon the realization of such. Therefore, nearly always irritable. Slowly coming out of her shell and calming down, but tends to explode at the slightest of provocation. Don't even start about the Animals.
Inspired By: N/A
Based Off: Yackle, from Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
Quad Form:
A small puppy-like dragon normally, but the time dragon sleeps within her. It isn't something that should ever be awakened.

Info Blurb:
The first time she had woken up, she was already aged. A wrinkled old crone, with nothing in mind but the task she had to do. She chose a name and let it consume her. It was all she could do. Stand on the outside, be an observer. Help her charge when needed, push her in the right direction. She took the guise of a kumbric witch. A death-goddess, who took the initiative of change. It seemed fitting.
But when her task had finished, she laid to rest, only to find it was denied her. She wanted a change. Her powers had laid dormant, she was only a fake in their eyes. She wanted to know how it was to be free of those fated shackles.
And so she forced a new life.
But she wasn't expecting to remember everything, and she wasn't expecting her powers to struggle as they had. Was this what humans went through to be born, she thought as a muted infant. She had a new respect for human beings.
Her parents could not keep her long, however. When one had a child who insisted she was not their daughter, that she was greater than them, and showed signs of intelligence far beyond her years? It was more than they could bear. She retracted her respect as she was given into others' care, again and again. No one would believe her when she insisted she told the truth. She became cynical, irritable. She snapped.
Eventually she found herself without any help at all. She was deemed hopeless, and dumped in his care. She expected him to be like the others, but instead, he listened. And she wasn't the only one he had taken in. It wasn't long before she warmed up to the young witch and forced her to stop her sullen behavior. But the temper, that would take a while to reign in.
And then she discovered video games, and all hope was lost...
Blind Fools:
- I can consider you a teacher. Kinda came from the same place, didn't we.
-You...J-Just...Don't come near me.
- You won't ever beat me, for all your bragging. Idiot.
- You need to stop bugging me. I'm not into such games...well...maybe a little.
-Hot dog face! >C
Weenie says ... -sniffles- Thanks. c':
Weenie says -lays side ways- :'c -sniffles-
Weenie says .. ; n; /not feeling well at the moment
Weenie says -stops- Mine's smarter than yours. You're the dumbnose. -shivers-
Weenie says -starts to crack up- Kekekek!
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