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Did someone...
Posted: March 31, 2008

Suggest new pets to help celebrate 10,000 Misticans??

I think that is a fabulous idea!

I am very proud to introduce the newest two members of the Mistica Family.

The beautiful and shy Inarbu!

And the fearsome, credit shop Pet, Belragoth!

Braenons will be taking a break from the credit shop shortly. Belragoths will be available very soon.

(Small issue that I am working to solve at this very moment which involved releasing the colors as well!)

Both pets will be available in all 12 'normal' colors. Unfortunately at this point, credit shop pets need to visit Feron to receive a color change from 'normal'. We hope to remedy this soon.

Mistica Unite!

Site Manager

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Good morning Mistica!
Posted: March 31, 2008

Well, there should be some more news later today to brighten up your week, but to kick off the morning...

The Overgrown Obsideon has received a gorgeous revamp!

Please enjoy!

Site Manager


We have surrpassed 10,000 members of Mistica! This is a great accompmishment and we are all thrilled.

To celebrate, we are of course working on a shiney trophy for everyone's lookup, but there is also a returning friend in the giveaway! (To be followed tomorrow morning by a new companion!)

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Sunday Voodoo Box!
Posted: March 30, 2008

Congratulations to....


Enjoy your Voodoo Pandoria Box!

This concludes the Voodoo Box weekend Giveaway. It was a lot of fun!

Mistica Unite!

Site Manager

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Sat Night Voodoo Box!
Posted: March 29, 2008

Congratulations to....


Enjoy your Voodoo Pandoria Box!

One more giveaway Voodoo Pandoria Box will be given out tomorrow night.

Mistica Unite!

Site Manager

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A horrible dream?
Posted: March 28, 2008

Not exactly!

After retiring to bed, my foot still throbbing in pain, it turns out that I was plagued with horrible dreams of pins and needles, button eyes... In a panic, I quickly woke up and summoned Pandoria to see if she had an explanation!

Luckily for me, she did. The box that I tripped on last night WAS a Pandoria Box! A Voodoo Pandoria Box to be exact!

These are now available in the credit shop. However, Pandoria has indicated that the supply of swamp magick for the Pandoria boxes is somewhat fickle. They may not last very long in there.

To celebrate the release of this new them, three boxes will be randomly given out in the same manner as the previous box giveaway. One for the next three days. (Fri, Sat, Sun.)

And without further ado, the first two pets to be touched by Pandoria's immense swamp power are.... The Voodoo Cheran and Voodoo Gourix!

Enjoy Mistica! All of the speculation was amazing and wonderful to read! Your enthusiasm and excitement are contagious!

Mistica Unite!

Site Manager

Edited for tonight's Voodoo Box Winner!

Congratulations to....


Enjoy your Voodoo Pandoria Box!

Site Manager

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Ow! What is this?
Posted: March 28, 2008

We all know the routine... picking up around the site after a long days work. Tidying up, making sure things are in order before going to bed.

And what happens? I tripped on this box someone left lying around! I've hurt my toe and it's a horrible "stabbing" pain!

Who could have left this lying around? I wonder what it does....?

Site Manager

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What is this I spy?
Posted: March 27, 2008

It's two Mistica pets in new themes!! Don't they look stunning?

It is my greatest pleasure to introduce the Inferno Mandoran and the Storm Ahbruis!

There are some great things just on the horizon for the site and users alike. Thank you for bearing with us. Great things are coming our way Mistica!

Site Manager

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The light of day!
Posted: March 26, 2008

It is a miraculous thing! I was beginning to doubt it had ever existed... Trapped in a deep dark dungeon, slaving away over a special surprise for Mistica, makes a girl think crazy things.

But it exists! And so does this surprise! *winks*

Thought I'd give you another teaser, as it's nearing completion... I'm getting more and more exited. And I know that you are all busting at the seams to see what we've been up to!

As I was walking up the stairs, towards the light as it were... I tripped over this strange egg..and its' cracked too! Near as I can figure, someone was boiling eggs too long for easter, but hey sure did color them pretty...

So pretty, it's a shame that it's cracked and somewhat 'broken'...

Site Manager

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To brighten up your Monday!
Posted: March 24, 2008

Wander on over to User Preferences, and see the beautiful Spring Layout that Sparkles has made for us all!

Featuring many of the of the new, adorable items from our talented artsits, I'm sure it will be a big hit with everyone!

It's been great reading all the speculation and musings regarding that mysterious cracking egg... hopefully it won't be too much longer now! *winks*

Enjoy the layout!**

Site Manager

**This layout is available to everyone for a limited time. When the seasons change, so too will this layout. So remember, summer is just around the corner...

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Rosebud has an announcement!
Posted: March 23, 2008

Rosebud has decided to set up shop a bit more 'permanently' here in Mistica! I guess she couldn't bear to leave us all.

It seems she has been quite busy in gathering up Easter and Spring items for everyone! A very large assortment, I couldn't possibly show them all! (over 20 items!) Rosebud did ask that a special thank you go out to a very special crafter, I believe she said the name was LazyKat? Thank you LazyKat!!

The shop will start stocking very soon, and I know that many of you will be camped out. But please take time to step outside tomorrow and enjoy the springtime air!!

At some point tomorrow.. (today??) there will be a special little pal put up in the giveaway. But don't fret, he will remain up for at least 24 hours once he's put up for 'grabs'.

And there is also something a bit special brewing for the citizens of Mistica. We are hoping to indulge your curiousity tomorrow, and will be working a lot of overtime to see if we can pull it off...

Hmm....I wonder what this could be.... ??

Site Manager

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It's still Friday!
Posted: March 21, 2008

So I didn't miss out on the news post for the day!


Well, staff have been very busy gearing up for the fun holiday weekend. So today is just the first taste of what we have in store for you all!

Please line up in an orderly 'fashion' for these adorable accessories. They are sure to liven up any easter weekend ensemble!

Bunny Hats!

Enjoy your weekend Mistica!

Site Manager

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Let's get it straight...
Posted: March 20, 2008

You want to label us the 'bad' guys, and you want to be upset because we are enforcing the rules of the Terms of Service that you agreed to when you made your account.
We can take being called the 'bad guys', though you have never seen that face from us. The staff here at Misticpets has always tried to be kind, courteous and fair to our members. However, using this site to advertise or grow membership on another site is not okay. We work hard, and will continue to work hard to improve the site, make fun activities and a warm and welcoming place to all who wish to be a part of the Mistica Community.

X. Users linking to other sites

No linking to commercial sites or competitive sites are allowed. Fan sites and non-commercial sites are allowed unless they hold the purpose to steal information from users or hack accounts. Then they are strictly prohibited.

Unless you want us to prohibit everyone from exchanging username information and general talk of other sites, please help us out by abiding by our few simple rules.

linking to your deviant art, (allowing for the PG rating that we ask offsite links to follow), and things along those lines are quite fine and we welcome them. However, linking to commercial sites and other places that are membership based is a low blow to the hard work of a staff that has always tried their best for the site and its members.

Let's all work together towards growing the Mistica community and stop expounding so much energy fighting to use the site as a platform for other games.

Mistica Unite!

Site Manager

In good news, it seems that the first of the Spring Holiday items are out. Call it what you will, Easter or Ostara, it's only a few days way!

Go get your yummy cookie in the giveaway today!

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New Znakes and a bit of Enlightenment!
Posted: March 19, 2008

We have a couple new beautiful Znakes for the users of Mistica to enjoy!

They are very strange creatures these Znakes... I don't know how they came up with these arrangements!

Now to clear up some confusion out there. The whacked snakes will eventually 'retire' for the year. I"m sure everyone's arm will get a bit tired after a few weeks of 'whacking' those poor creatures.

Soon though, the RE system will be 'fixed' and functional and we will have more 'regulated' holidays. We hope to have the function to attach avatars to items fixed up again soon. And when that happens, we have some great goodies in store.

We understand that the lag issues have been very frustrating. It was even more so for us, and poor Nick... he wasn't able to connect to get ANY progress on this stuff for all of us. Bear with us just a bit longer, and you will see so many great improvements around the site. It will be well worth the agony and suffering that we've all endured.

Mistica Unite!

Site Manager

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Enforcement of the Terms of Service
Posted: March 18, 2008

The "adoptables" on the site have gotten out of control.

It started with a simple Egg, and now has blossomed into Digimons, Poke-Plushie items, Wajas, Evelons, and more. Unfortunately, all of these things put strain on the site servers, as
well as supporting and advertising sites of competitors.

This is against our Terms of Service as excerpted below:

X. Users linking to other sites

No linking to commercial sites or competitive sites are allowed. Fan sites and non-commercial sites are allowed unless they hold the purpose to steal information from users or hack accounts. Then they are strictly prohibited.

And again the issues at hand are addressed here:

VIII. Modification of Misticpets.

We hold the right to modify update and edit Misticpets in any way we wish. We reserve the right to alter any content whether it is Misticpets added content or User added content. Any and all images, writings, art, or ideas you submit to Misticpets becomes the property of Misticpets to use as Misticpets wishes and you forfeit all rights to it. If you are under age 18, please remember to check with your parents before sending or posting anything. By sending it you have agreed to the above paragraph.

By posting these eggs and adoptable to our website, you are entering very murky waters concerning their copyright. It is for their sake, as well as our users that we wish to avoid all problems that could ensue.

At this point we are asking for the co-operation of our members to show support to OUR site and compliance with the Terms of Service. We are asking that all links and adopt-ables for competitive sites be removed from profiles, signatures and forum discussions.

We have tried to be flexible but concerns have been raised, and there are quite a few valid points. It seems the boundaries are endless, and there is no way to draw lines that allow for compromise at this point.

After three days time, the accounts/signatures found to have not been changed voluntarily will be staff altered and considered a site violation.

Site Manager

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Posted: March 18, 2008

Good morning Mistica!

I apologize for not posting last evening, it seems the flu has hit my family... yet again. The box giveaway for the time being has ended. But be on the lookout for some great activities and fun coming your way soon!

I know that we are all painfully aware of the server issues we are experiencing. We are not alone, and Impulse is wracking their brains to try and get us back on track. I stress that this is temporary and will relay information as I receive it.

On the 'good' news front... it seems that there will be limited quantities of the LE pets** throughout the day! Best of luck to all of you that have been waiting for that special companion!

Site Manager

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Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Posted: March 17, 2008

Facing the week might seem a bit more festive this week, as it's headed off by this fun holiday!

But wait! It seems that when St. Paddy drove the snakes from that far off, 'mythical' land of Ireland... they decided to move to Mistica!**

If I were you, I'd head over to the giveaway and pick up your free 'whacking stick' for defense!

Site Manager

Pssst! It appears that in addition to the snakes that overan the Creepy Critters Shop.... there seems to be an elusive rare pet...Rock?! (stocking in the forest shop!)

** Snake misticpals will be added at various points today to the shop, so be on the lookout! The Blarney and Whacking Stick are available now. *winks*

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Sunday Night!
Posted: March 16, 2008

A few things to go over before we get to the box winner for this evening..

Ever felt that you could come up with a totally awesome Trivia question? Well, we are giving the citizens of Mistica the opportunity to submit their trivia suggestions to:

Please make sure to include your question as well as the answer and how it was derived.

Your name will appear with the trivia in question as Submitted by: and you will also have a jump start on the answer and subsequent prize. *winks*

Many names have been released from Banned accounts, so if you had looked at one point, a name could very well be available once more... Good Luck!

And finally... tonight's Great Box Giveaway Winner is:


I hope you enjoy your Terror Pandoria Box! Congratulations!

Site Manager

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Rules Reiteration and Box Giveaway!
Posted: March 15, 2008

While we have a great community here, and we appreciate each and every one of you, we are afraid that there are still rules to go by.

Each member is only allowed to create one account. Recently, however, we have been running into a lot of multiple accounts. Because of this, we are being forced to investigate and sort through them.

Because of this, approximately once a month our staff will be making random checks to be sure our members are all playing fairly and are in ownership of only one account, per player. There are many varying ways to find multiple accounts.

Please, if you have a side account that needs to be deleted contact RuthieRox or Melissa, via site mail.

We also must take this opportunity to remind you all to periodically review our Terms of Service. In addition to this, and its staff urge each of you to comply with the ToS and rules of other sites when trying to recruit, or display Mistica Pride on those other sites. We do not wish to infringe upon the order and regulations concerning the other sites in question.

The Mod Trainees have been selected. We thank all of you that chose to submit applications. The decisions were tough, but had to be made. Those who have been selected have been notified, and you will see them on the staff list shortly.

Today's Great Box Giveaway winner is....


Congratulations on your Oceanic Pandoria Box! I hope you enjoy!

I also sincerely hope that everyone has a very enjoyable weekend. Hopefully this evil lag spell will let up soon. **

Site Manager

** The server techs are investigating, and we are hoping for a speedy resolution. We are not the only site affected on the server and it is everyone's hope that it will be resolved soon.

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Friday Night Box!
Posted: March 14, 2008

Thank you all for bearing with us during this time of lag. I assure everyone that the server techs are doing what they can to fix things and get us up to speed.

Tonight's Great Box Giveaway winner is...


Congratulations Shari! I hope you enjoy your Pandoria Box!

Hope everyon enjoys their weekend!

Site Manager

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A jump to the weekend!
Posted: March 14, 2008

It's been quite a week, but I'm hoping that we've left most of the server problems behind.

The Inferno Mericai wanted to get a 'jump' start on the weekend!**

And not to be outdone... the Storm Gourix if upright and ready to party!

We hope to have a pretty clear image on a launch date for the societies, but we can't guarantee anything at this point. Please be assured that they will be WELL worth the wait. :)

Site Manager

** Psst! Inferno Boxes available in the credit shop now!

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Thursday Evening!
Posted: March 13, 2008

The week is almost over! Is everyone else ready for the weekend?

Today's Great Box Giveaway winner is....


Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your Pandoria Box!

Site Manager

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News with a side of Box Giveaway!
Posted: March 12, 2008

Well, I'd like to start off this news post to let everyone know that we are aware of the lag problems and our server guys are hard at work to resolve the issues and get us back up to 'speed'. Please bear with us in the meantime.

Now, for the news you are all waiting for...

Tonight's Great Box Giveaway winner is....


Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your Overgrown Box!

Remember to keep playing for your chance at a random Pandoria Box!

Site Manager

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Coding updates
Posted: March 12, 2008

Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing well. First off let me apologize for the time it has taken for societies, It is taking a bit longer to work out all the kinks and fine tune everything to be exceptional and really take us a step ahead of the competition. The upside to this? The upside is I have created a lot of re-usable code that will make new features in the future MUCH easier, and faster to develop. Thanks for the great patience,

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Posted: March 11, 2008

These news reports are always so much fun!

Tonight 's winner for the Great Box Giveaway is...


Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your Terror Pandoria Box!

Site Manager

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A Box for Monday!
Posted: March 10, 2008

A little bit late due to some unforseen events... but today's box winner is...


Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your Storm Pandoria Box!

Site Manager

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Monday blahs
Posted: March 10, 2008

I know we all get them....but here at Mistica, we have a surefire cure for those Monday blahs.

The introduction of new themes for our wonderful pets!

I am very excited to reveal...

the Storm Cheran and the Overgrown Obsideon!

And to celebrate... there is a release of Obsideon's!*

Site Manager

* - There will be several small releases throughout the day to accommodate all time zones.

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End of the weekend!
Posted: March 9, 2008

And there is an inferno box waiting for a winner...

And the winner is....


Congratulations on your Inferno Pandoria Box. I hope it brings you great joy. :)

Site Manager

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Saturday Box Giveaway!
Posted: March 8, 2008

Been fighting my internet ALL day. So this is being posted a bit early while I have access. *winks*

Today's winner is...


Congratulations on your Baby Pandoria Box, I hope you enjoy it!

Have a happy weekend everyone!

Site Manager

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Friday Box Giveaway!
Posted: March 7, 2008

I apologize for the small mishap with the contest results earlier. I had forgotten to turn them 'on' once they were uploaded and set. They are now available for viewing!

I know you will all enjoy the hard work and amazing entries!

And now, tonight's Box winner is...


Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your Overgrown Pandoria Box!

Site Manager

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Feb Contest Winners!
Posted: March 7, 2008

Contest Results are IN!

The competition was fierce, the battles waged across Mistica as the staff tore out their hair over so many excellent entries. But...we found our winnners.

Their complete entries may be found here:


But I will list our winners as well. *smiles*

Art Contest:
1st- Michy
2nd- Kerei
3rd- Box
Honorable mention: rimikkusu

Writing Contest:
1st- Authoress
2nd- Emerune
3rd- Lampeh

Poetry Contest:
1st- Kitten
2nd- Zeldee
3rd- Santanasia

Congratulations again, I hope all of Mistica enjoys these gifts as much as we on staff did.

Site Manager

P.S. Trophies, prizes and MC are being awarded at the moment. *wink*

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Great Box Giveaway
Posted: March 6, 2008

These nightly news announcements are so much fun!

We all know the drill... 20 names picked throughout the day, one winner declared and announced at night. The only thing up in the air is... how long will this last?

This giveaway will last until March 15th. At that time, I will announce an end, or... it might be extended. We'll see how things are going about the site. *wink*

And now for tonight's winner!

Congratulations to:


I hope you enjoy your Storm Pandoria Box, and I can't wait to give away another box tomorrow!

Site Manager

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Societies Update
Posted: March 6, 2008

I must offer sincere apologies for the delay. The societies are coming along fantastically well, and I do believe that you will all be pleased with what we are accomplishing with the new society features.

We are approaching readiness to test them, and will be releasing them as soon as we are sure that they are ready for you all to enjoy.

The Great Box Giveaway is continuing nicely and I'm glad that everyone is so well pleased with the efforts to be fair to all our users.

Have a great day Misticans!

Site Manager

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Wednesday Giveaway!
Posted: March 5, 2008

Sorry for the delay!

Today's Great Box Giveaway winner is....


Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your Overgrown Box.

Have a great night everyone!

Site Manager

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Posted: March 5, 2008

it becomes necessary to look for help on a growing site. And that time is now...

We are now accepting Moderator Applications.

Please mail them to:

Please inlcude the following:

Name: (Real and Site)
Time Available: per week. (days and time)
Experience: (Real life and Site)
Additional info
that will help us make a decision.

Looking forward to seeing the great applications!

Site Manager


It's good to reiterate the rules.

We have a great community here onsite, and I'd like to take the opportunity to reiterate a couple rules from the Terms of Service that you all agreed to when you signed up.

--No sexual content, sexual images, sexual gestures.
--No flirting, romance or dating for yourself, your pets or your role-playing and/or writing.
--DO NOT post any personal information that could be used to identify you or find out other personal identity information.
Pets cannot be sold or traded for items, real cash or Mistic Cash.. Also, items and mistic cash cannot be sold for real cash. No ads for selling any property of Misticpets, including currency, items, pets or images.
--Only ONE account is allowed per user and per email address.

These are just a few rules that seem to be lost in the fun of the site lately. I encourage everyone to take a few mins from their day to read over the ToS and rules regarding the use and play of

Tomorrow, profiles will start being cleaed with warnings issued to those who continue to break the ToS.

Enjoy your day! Light hearted news will follow this afternoon as an addendum to this post. (So that it will not be pushed down.) Please continue to check back!


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Big Box Giveaway!
Posted: March 4, 2008

Giving out boxes can be so much fun!

Tonight's winner is.....


Congratulations! Your Baby Pandoria Box is in your inventory. I hope you enjoy.

Keep playing the site everyone and enjoying yourselves!

20 names are pulled all day (and night) long to give everyone a chance at the Box.

Site Manager

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Two for Tuesday?
Posted: March 4, 2008

Well, the week is underway and there is a lot of stuff in the works and pipelines for March. But in the meantime, we know you want something to tide you over...

It's always fun to introduce new themes and today is no exception. It's my extreme pleasure to introduce to you the Oceanic Lirionox and the Inferno Draklaita!

Enjoy these new options for companions everyone! As always, Charlie amazes us with his skill and talent.

Site Manager

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Updates and a prize!
Posted: March 3, 2008

Well, Nick is very hard at work with the societies, and we hope to have them finalized as soon as possible! We are very eager to show them off and can't wait for the users to start enjoying them.

But I know you are really only intereted in who won the box from today's giveaway.

Well, I'll put you out of your misery. Today's winner is....


Congratulations Sassenach! I hope you enjoy your Pandoria Box!

This Great Box Giveaway will be continuing for some time. So no fears users, there are plenty of chances to win still!

Site Manager

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And the weekend...
Posted: March 2, 2008

Comes to a close!

But we are just gearing up! Lots in store for Mistica in the days and weeks ahead. There seems to have been a small snag in regards to the new societies, but the delay should not be more than a day or two.

I know, you want me to get to the part where I announce this evening's Great Box Giveaway Winner.

Tonight's box winner is...


Congratulations! You have been awarded an Overgrown Pandoria Box in today's Great Box Giveaway. I hope you enjoy!

Site Manager

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A new month...
Posted: March 1, 2008

Means new contests!!

The themes for our Art and writing contest focus on our lovely additions, the Zisscors! And our Poetry competition will have everyone buZZing!

And I know that you are all waiting for a box winner to be announced this evening... Tonight will be a bit earlier than normal, since some sneaky penguins have decided to kick me out of my house for part of the evening! *scowls*

So... without further ado... tonight's box winner is...


Congratulations! You have been selected to receive a Terror Box in todays Great Box Giveaway! Please enjoy!

Site Manager

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